Pushing Blogging To The Limit
I have not posted recently because I have been acutely depressed. Despite my attempts to get my life sorted before treatment so I could have a fighting chance at overcoming my illness I am still hounded by the ordinary affairs of life.
I am currently in dispute with my mortgage provider. As yet I am publishing no information as to the details but for the record it looks a brilliant story of lying, incompetence and sheer bloody mindedness.
As I say, I was becoming depressed over the matter because I felt like a helpless victim being mercilessly crushed by a monolithic corporation.
I was even suicidal.
But then I remembered the Blog!! My own website where I can freely vent my own frustrations and warn others of this foul firms practices. I suddenly felt a surge of power and a feeling of YES I want to live and hound these bastards as they have hounded me. I will push the power of blogging to the limit in standing up for the rights of the common man.
I will expose corruption wherever it may be. I will expose it fearlessly as I have nothing to lose. As Soltznetsin said,
“Tell the totalitarian authorities everywhere not to make that one fatal error of taking away everything from the common man. Because you will have just made him free all over again”
I have faced death and I don`t fear it. I can now live without fear. These people can do nothing to me as I expose them for the merciless tyrannical practices they employ.
There is hope in this sad tale though.
I can reveal that many staff at this as yet unnamed firm are leaving as they cannot stand the practices the firm is employing.
If only Germans in Nazi Germany had employed such conscientious measures we may not have had the second world war.
Like the prison guard at Auschwitz said,
“I never killed anyone I just opened the doors of the cattle trucks and helped them out”
I await this firms next step. You might all end up seeing my picture in the papers after all.
If they choose to try and gag me it will be headlines. They say the internet is a free place. They use that excuse to allow pornographers and subversive elements to have their say.
Well, lets just see if ordinary Joe Blogger can have his say.
I have not posted recently because I have been acutely depressed. Despite my attempts to get my life sorted before treatment so I could have a fighting chance at overcoming my illness I am still hounded by the ordinary affairs of life.
I am currently in dispute with my mortgage provider. As yet I am publishing no information as to the details but for the record it looks a brilliant story of lying, incompetence and sheer bloody mindedness.
As I say, I was becoming depressed over the matter because I felt like a helpless victim being mercilessly crushed by a monolithic corporation.
I was even suicidal.
But then I remembered the Blog!! My own website where I can freely vent my own frustrations and warn others of this foul firms practices. I suddenly felt a surge of power and a feeling of YES I want to live and hound these bastards as they have hounded me. I will push the power of blogging to the limit in standing up for the rights of the common man.
I will expose corruption wherever it may be. I will expose it fearlessly as I have nothing to lose. As Soltznetsin said,
“Tell the totalitarian authorities everywhere not to make that one fatal error of taking away everything from the common man. Because you will have just made him free all over again”
I have faced death and I don`t fear it. I can now live without fear. These people can do nothing to me as I expose them for the merciless tyrannical practices they employ.
There is hope in this sad tale though.
I can reveal that many staff at this as yet unnamed firm are leaving as they cannot stand the practices the firm is employing.
If only Germans in Nazi Germany had employed such conscientious measures we may not have had the second world war.
Like the prison guard at Auschwitz said,
“I never killed anyone I just opened the doors of the cattle trucks and helped them out”
I await this firms next step. You might all end up seeing my picture in the papers after all.
If they choose to try and gag me it will be headlines. They say the internet is a free place. They use that excuse to allow pornographers and subversive elements to have their say.
Well, lets just see if ordinary Joe Blogger can have his say.
Go for it Paul!
There is a tendancy for large corporations to forget that the reason they exist is down to lots of small people like ourselves. Many require an occasional painful reminder to put them in their place.
The old business addage that 'it takes an awful lot to win a customer, and next to nothing to loose one' definitely applies. If they refuse to treat you fairly, publish the lot and we will see what effect it has on their reputation and customer base.
Received your backup files. We can now republish your blog from anywhere in the world.
Its good to have you back. I knew you couldn`t stay away. Once a journo always a journo.
There are a lot of us watching this one. Don`t let them wrong foot you.
Why didnt you tell us you were ill?
There is power in numbers. Stand strong and be powerful. Have your say, for you have many friends, whom also have many friends. And so the ripple effect happens.
I love you as always
Gioia x
Some time ago I concluded that all financial institutions are designed to screw the common man out of as much money as possible, regadless of their ability or incompetence. This is why a system designed to be the secure equivalent of a mattress hides behind a plethora of jargon, incomprehensible to mortal man and as open to interpretation as the collected speeches of John Prescott.
Just a thought - I have noticed, through my own financial dealings that one company seems to be behind a huge number of others (often using accepted banks as a front). I suspect a dubious set of practices, probably in terms of monopolies and mergers, which go unrestricted, as we all know Governments need money.
I tried to put all my finances with one bank for cohesion - I now find that this is anything but true - they use the same corporate logo, same letterhead, but are not 'under the same banner' as I was once told.
Oh - by the way - when I complain, they 'note my comments' - but never do anything or feed back to me. Their directors remain hopelessly unidentifiable - but probably impossibly wealthy!
Oh - should I name them? Well let's say my bank claims to operate throughout the country from the seat of Government (8,11 abbreviated to 3,4) while the monopoly cames links to the monarchy from north of the border (5,4,2,8). I should write cryptic crossword clues!!
Sorry - typo - cames should be claims!!
Yes, you are right there is no cohesion although they are all linked. In my business account I used to bank with Royal Bank of Scotland but when they took over Nat West they kept changing the rules on whether you could pay Royal Bank of Scotland money into the Nat west for free.
It changed from month to month. Sometimes I would go into the Nat West and there would be no problem other times they would say we don`t do that anymore.
All banks apear to be owned by the Arab world.
The reason they allowed all the Bin Laden family out of America after their favourite son had just ordered two airliners into the world trade centre was because if they held the Saudis resposible they would leave the States and take 20% of its wealth with them.
If you haven`t seen Michael Moores documentary on 9/11 it really is a must see.
Nice to see you back,
Working on another night of insomnia and decided to catch up on your blog, Paul.
Sorry to hear about your mortgage company woes and depression. I pray both get straightened out.
At the risk of sounding sexist, I've decided that PMS has nothing on ribi-rage. Despite their apparent lack of business graces, I think it's only fair someone should give that company fair warning.:) Perhaps they will then "do the right thing."
Grace and peace ...
There is always someone waiting to kick you when you are down.
I hope you win your battle with them, keep us posted.
The US is internally a Democratic Constitutional Federation, but externally a tyranic bully, heel bent to have it its own way. So when the Americans try to impose "their way" externally, they want the world to be good little hamburger eating quasi Yanks and the world have already said no thank you to that, because it doesn`t come with the "external" position that the Yanks thrive on and allows it to internally be a totally different country. But with the Religious Right gaining ground, maybe we could one day see American Foreign Policies turning inwards and the public of the USA soon get a taste of what the rest of the world have already chewed over and spitted out. Staled grease with aroma
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