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A Hepc blog, genotype 1, from discovery of virus, till (hopefully) the successful outcome. Also logging the mental, emotional and spiritual journey that this will entail. The entire contents of this blog are copyrighted by Paul Wilcox and Paul Wilcox reserves all rights granted by law to be associated with this blog.

Location: United Kingdom

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Week 12 Results


I still feel as if I am sorting my head out as regards my latest crisis point. But something that has helped and not helped is getting my week 12 results. Confused? Yes, so am I.
My viral load at the beginning of treatment was not measured properly. They did a cheap test which only measured particles of virus up to 5,500,000 – then they stopped counting. So my viral load was at least five and a half million, but it could have been anything. The highest recorded is 45 million so I could have had anything up to that figure or even more, I could have been a new world record!!
My current viral load is 58,000 which is almost a two log drop (just cross off two noughts) but not quite. But the question that is unanswerable now is what was my actual starting figure? How can they expect a 2 log drop of an unknown figure? Someone has dropped a bollock. As if I didn`t have enough stress.
Anyway the upshot is that they are going to continue treatment till 24 weeks and then test me again – not for a viral load, but for the presence of the virus in my bloodstream. If there is any sign of the virus treatment will stop but if I am clear tx will continue till week 48.
A test at week 12 is difficult enough to cope with but I should really have had a decision one way or another. Now it is the same again at week 24.
However, having kicked this around in my overwrought, stressed and fogged brain I can see that it just may work to my advantage. Another 10 weeks is doable and I can probably hang on in there till then and have a new decision made for me.
Nothing is straightforward and I am so glad I asked for a copy of all my bloods and original viral load from the start.
I had a tremendous amount of support by comments on my blog, emails and phone calls. I hope to get round to acknowledging them all but thanks to all of you for being here.



Blogger peter said...

Hi Paul,

Sounds like good news. Regardless of what your initial viral load was, there's been a sharp drop since you began treatment. And as you wrote, this works to your advantage in continuing treatment.



8:53 PM  
Blogger Buzz Trexler said...

I would take it as good news. The two log drop is significant, plus the fact that you are, indeed, responding to the treatment. If you recall, I wasn't clear at Week 12, either. Plus, during my years of viral load check, some lab merely reported, "greater than 500,000," which could be anything.
So, give God praise for the work that's already been done.
Grace and peace ...

2:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I happened to stumble upon your site...I like! And I hope you feel well soon.

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darling Daddy

Keep at it. Stay strong in the Lord.

I love you always

Gioia x

11:43 AM  

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