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A Hepc blog, genotype 1, from discovery of virus, till (hopefully) the successful outcome. Also logging the mental, emotional and spiritual journey that this will entail. The entire contents of this blog are copyrighted by Paul Wilcox and Paul Wilcox reserves all rights granted by law to be associated with this blog.

Location: United Kingdom

Monday, May 02, 2005



Patience is a virtue that is in short supply in our instant culture. It is something I am still learning but I am trying to hurry up the process as the waiting is killing me!!
My nurse was pleased with me again. I call her my dominatrix because I do everything she tells me. I bought her a small whip to encourage her in this role, but it will be up to her to provide the rest. It is never my intention to force my views on anyone.
Hee, hee. Actually that is all true and it is great to be able to have a good laugh while discussing some very serious issues. Sarah always accompanies me to the monthly meeting and has my nurse in fits describing my developing “feminine side” with all it`s attendant mood swings and seemingly irrational behaviour.
So the blood tests are in and I will be contacted as soon as they are back, hopefully by middle of May. Watch this space. I went into a depression after the tests and lost interest in blogs and everything. But as Sarah pointed out this waiting time is like a no mans land where the future of continuing tx is in limbo. I have noticed others who were waiting for their 12 week pcr results not posting for a couple of weeks while everything hung in the balance. I understand this now.
But I do find blogging therapeutic and whenever I am writing I find I lose myself (and my misery) so I will continue to blog away. I also find blogging about other subjects other than hepc a light relief from the illness. I have also discovered blogs other than hepc which I visit for a welcome break.
There is a notable one by a guy called Alex who lives in Milan and does a sort of travelblog of daily life in Italy’s capital. I try and avoid those blogs inviting me to enjoy other couples sexual escapades of one sort or another. With so much time on my hands it would be easy to get caught up in such things, and I need ALL my energy to fight this virus.
If the weather improves I hope to get out on my bicycle. It hasn`t been out for three years so could do with the exercise. I have discovered that not everyone loses weight on tx and ends up looking like a junkie. Some people who don`t have the side effect of going off their food can turn to food as their comfort and end up really overweight after tx. Watch them Danish pastries Ron! Better cut them down to just half a dozen a day!
Thanks for all your good wishes. The support of fellow heppers has been crucial in my journey.



Blogger Sue, Toronto said...

Hi Paul,

Very weird - having never heard of Shropshire prior to your blog, we just watched some man in Shropshire encased in a large ball bouncing down hills, on the Discovery channel, while we were eating dinner. Just what do you all do there??

Definitely can relate to the quantitative pcr anticipation, although still not as bad as waiting to start treatment. I also find the blogging and the bloggers extremely supportive.

Enjoy getting out on your bike (and watch out for those hills....)!


12:56 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

Hi Sue and Ron, It really brings it home to you the power of circumstances and the internet. Because of hepc and our contact you can say "I know someone who lives in that loony place". There are 2 parts to Shropshire and I live in the flat bit - thankfully.

Alex, I actually wasn`t too sure, but I do know that Milan is the fashion capital and that, after all, is the most important thing!!
After my treatment is over we are hoping to visit Rome next year. Neither of us has been so it will be new for both of us..


5:42 PM  
Blogger MartinB said...

Now I know where the feminine side comes from! It is a well known side effect of bouncing down hills inside balls while attempting to self inject and juggle six ribavirin tablets at the same time, all attempted while trying to find a flat bit of Shropshire! Plays havoc with the constitution. Come to think of it, so does cycling unless you have a very well padded saddle.
Who said civilisation stops north of the Wash?


9:44 PM  

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