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A Hepc blog, genotype 1, from discovery of virus, till (hopefully) the successful outcome. Also logging the mental, emotional and spiritual journey that this will entail. The entire contents of this blog are copyrighted by Paul Wilcox and Paul Wilcox reserves all rights granted by law to be associated with this blog.

Location: United Kingdom

Friday, March 25, 2005



Trying a new technique for posting by composing in Word and then transfering to blog.
Martin told me how to do it after I lost a posting in the act of publishing. It has worked and it`s a great relief to know I won`t lose all the work again.
Great to see Toronto Sue amongst us. Also, Pete, from Vermont, USA who has left a couple of interesting comments on my blog previously.

Its interesting that as individuals come across our different blogs that they seem to identify with the person that seems to be having the same tx experience and then contact them directly.
I had a very moving account last week from a lady whose husband was going through tx, having the same symptoms as mine and running his own corporation!! What?! At least I don`t have to do anything.
It`s also very sobering to read about fellow hepppers like Tommy who appeared in Ron`s blog a week or so ago. After experiencing multiple infections he has become a virtual recluse. The problem, as Ron pointed out is that if you are alone in that situation you could very easily neglect yourself. I know I could lapse into not caring for myself if I was alone.

My depression which was fairly crippling has lifted a bit. This is due to prozac which I take in liquid form so that I can get an exact dosage. The bog standard dose is one 20mg capsule once a day but having used prozac before for a short while in 1999, I found I only needed 10mg a day – only half of the daily recommended dose. It seems and to be kicking in nicely.
Again, thanks to Martin who very helpfully emailed me with cautionary tales of SSRI`s on tx and I would certainly agree that if you can manage without them it is best. But it was coming to the situation where it was causing me to be crippled in my daily life so I have gone for this and it appears to be working.
Our cat has left us for the great cattery in the sky and the experience of watching her go downhill to the point where we had to call the vet in was harrowing. As a result of this unremitting suffering I have had some extremely stormy encounters with God lately. But that`s O.K. He`d rather I told Him exactly what I think than just pretend everything was rosy in the garden. I have had times like this before. I call them wilderness experiences.
I remember commenting on Rons blog way back saying the discovery of the virus and subsequent tx was like a doorway into another world. He agreed. I don`t think anyone of us will ever be quite the same again.


Blogger Sue, Toronto said...

Dear Paul,

Re: the ssri's - so far, have managed to stay off them, but will have no hesitation to start should depression become intolerable. We need to be able to get through this and hopefully maintain ourselves in the process. We do what it takes.

I am so very sorry to hear about your cat. My thoughts are with you. Sue

1:34 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

Thanks Sue for your kind words. Canada itself may be a cold place but the people seem to have warm hearts.


5:49 PM  

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