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A Hepc blog, genotype 1, from discovery of virus, till (hopefully) the successful outcome. Also logging the mental, emotional and spiritual journey that this will entail. The entire contents of this blog are copyrighted by Paul Wilcox and Paul Wilcox reserves all rights granted by law to be associated with this blog.

Location: United Kingdom

Friday, February 18, 2005

More Introduction

I want to introduce you to the way this blog will be formed.

It is not going to be a daily diary of my life, fascinating though that would be.

But it isn`t just going to be stark facts about hepc, although you will get plenty of those.

I will be sharing my personal experience of the effects of treatment.
This is very important as everyone reacts differently and there will always be something to glean from any experience.

As it happens I am having, at times, what heppers call a rough ride.
I get riba-rage, an effect of ribavirin which causes you to become hyper irritable.
I can best describe it as Phil Mitchell on speed. Obviously there will be more on this in a future blog.

I am going to seperate these individual items out and devote seperate blogs to them as far as possible so that information will be more easily accessible.
Hopefully the blogs will be labelled clearly enough for you to access what you need.

I am only a fellow sufferer. I have no medical knowledge other than what I have picked up from the Daily Mail and the back pages of womens magazines.

Also on this blog from time to time there will be a record of my spiritual journey which has been impacted by hepc.
These entries will be made from a Christian view point.
As humour is utterly vital to surviving tx (tx means treatment by the way) I will be using it to provide what I hope to be some light relief along the way. Humour will come without any warning!!!.

That`s about it, see you on the next blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi daddy

I'm so proud of you right now. Cant even list what I feel.

I love you

Keep up the amazing work!

Gioia x

5:46 PM  

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